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OVS Gift Cards are available for purchase in all participating OVS shops located in Italy. The updated list of shops is available on negozi.ovs.it/en/group/gift-card.aspx. The OVS Gift Card is intended exclusively for the purchase of items sold by OVS and paid for at OVS checkouts. Items sold in the departments present in OVS shops but managed by third parties and equipped with their own checkouts are excluded. The OVS Gift Card has no expiry date and is expendable in a single solution, therefore it can only be used for one purchase on a minimum receipt equal to the face value of the Gift Card until it is completely sold out and cannot be used to purchase further OVS Gift Cards. The Gift Card is bearer and is equivalent to cash: in case of loss, theft or damage the card cannot be blocked, refunded or replaced. No responsibility can be attributed to OVS for improper or fraudulent use of the Gift Cards. If the initial value is insufficient to purchase the desired items, the missing amount must be paid in cash or using the other payment methods accepted by OVS. Please note: a maximum of 8 Gift Cards can be used at a time on a single receipt. OVS Gift Cards do not participate in promotions. *LOCAL OVS es la marca líder en Italia de ropa masculina, femenina e infantil con más de 1000 tiendas en Italia y en el extranjero. Su carácter distintivo, la atención a la calidad, la renovación continua de los productos diseñados por el equipo creativo caracterizan la selección de productos, que se enriquece periódicamente con colecciones resultantes de colaboraciones con diseñadores famosos o con talentos de las más famosas escuelas de moda internacionales. Las tarjetas regalo OVS se pueden utilizar para las compras en todas las tiendas OVS participantes situadas en Italia. LOCAL* OVS è il primo brand italiano nell'abbigliamento uomo, donna e bambino con oltre 1000 negozi in Italia e all'estero. Distintività, attenzione alla qualità, un continuo rinnovo di prodotto ideato dal team creativo ne caratterizza l´assortimento, che si arricchisce periodicamente di collezioni frutto di collaborazioni con noti designer o talenti provenienti dalle più famose scuole di moda internazionali. Le Gift Card OVS sono disponibili per l'acquisto in tutti i negozi OVS aderenti situati in Italia. L'elenco aggiornato dei negozi è disponibile su negozi.ovs.it/it/gruppo/gift-card.aspx. La Gift Card OVS non ha scadenza ed è spendibile in un´unica soluzione. La Gift Card OVS può essere utilizzata per un solo acquisto su uno scontrino minimo pari al valore facciale della Gift Card fino a completo esaurimento dello stesso. Possono essere utilizzate un massimo di 8 Gift Card alla volta su un unico scontrino. LOCAL OVS ist die führende italienische Marke in Herren-, Damen- und Kinderbekleidung mit über 1000 Filialen in Italien und im Ausland. Unverwechselbarkeit, Qualitätsbewusstsein, eine kontinuierliche Erneuerung der Produkte, die von dem kreativen Team designt wurden, kennzeichnen das Sortiment, das aus der Zusammenarbeit mit bekannten Designern oder Talenten aus den berühmtesten internationalen Modeschulen entsteht. OVS Geschenkkarten können für Einkäufe in allen teilnehmenden OVS Filialen in Italien verwendet werden. *LOCAL*** OVS est la première marque italienne de vêtements pour hommes, femmes et enfants avec plus de 1000 magasins en Italie et à l'étranger. Distinction, attention à la qualité, renouvellement continu des produits conçus par l'équipe créative caractérisent l'assortiment, qui s'enrichit périodiquement de collections issues de collaborations avec des designers célèbres ou des talents issus des plus grandes écoles de mode internationales. Les cartes cadeaux OVS peuvent être utilisées pour des achats dans tous les magasins OVS participants situés en Italie.

🇮🇹This card is available only in Italy

Total Value: EUR 10

Redeem instructions: IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. The OVS Gift Cards (Vouchers) expire and is spendable in one single solution and can therefore be used for a single purchase on a minimum gift card (voucher) value equal to the Gift Cards (Vouchers) face value until it is fully depleted and will not be used to purchase another Gift Cards (Vouchers) OVS. 2. Gift Cards (Vouchers) are equivalent to cash: in the event of loss, theft or damage the card can not be blocked, redeemed or replaced. 3. No liability can be attributed to OVS for any misuse or fraudulent use of the Gift Cards (Vouchers).
4. If the initial value is insufficient to purchase the items you want, the missing amount will have to be paid in cash or by using the other payment methods accepted by OVS. Warning: up to 8 Gift Cards (Vouchers) can be used at a single receipt at a time. HOW TO REDEEM?
1. Redeem voucher at https://www.ovsfashion.com/

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