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REI carries the best selection of top-brand outdoor gear and clothing to help men, women and kids of all levels of experience and ability enjoy outdoor adventures. Let us outfit you for skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, climbing, hiking, camping, cycling, kayaking, canoeing, travel, fitness and more outdoor activities.

🇺🇸This card is available only in United States of America

Total Value: USD 10

Redeem instructions: To redeem your REI e-gift card, either print out a copy of this email and use it in your local REI store, or use it online at www.rei.com. If you are shopping online, at step #5 of checkout enter the Card Number and PIN to redeem your e-gift card. If you have any questions or problems, please visit http://www.rei.com/rei/giftcards/redeem.html.

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