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Grabgifts (Transport) SG

Grabgifts (Transport) SG

Grab is Southeast Asia's leading ride-hailing platform that offers the fastest booking service for taxis, private cars & motorbikes through one mobile app. Since 2012, Grab is making transport freedom a reality for the 620 million people in Southeast Asia. From simple taxi services to now private car services (GrabCar), motorcycle taxis (GrabBike), social carpooling (GrabHitch) and last mile delivery (GrabExpress). This Grab Gift Card is available only in the Singapore geography. Any nook and corner in Singapore, Grab has mapped it out to take you to and fro, safely, securely and in the most hassle-free manner.

🇸🇬This card is available only in Singapore

Total Value: SGD 15

Redeem instructions: 1. Click the Redemption URL to visit landing page.

2. Click "Accept giftcard" button.

3. Sign Up or Login.

4. To create an account: Provide mobile number, First/Last Name, and Password. SMS message is sent to the mobile number to validate the account.

5. You can access the gift card details once logged in.

6. Use your Grab Gift Card code in the Promo field while making a booking on the Grab app.

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